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U12 Girls Division Champs

The U12 Girls team won their division in Fall 2023; new goals in background.

Special Thanks To 1st Golden Goal Sponsor

Apple Auto, an auto mechanic shop on Harford Road, was SFAAA's first Golden Goal Sponsor in fall 2023. [Photo of Apple Auto's logo and sign in front of a goal.]

Back in August, just before the start of the fall season, the SFAAA Board discovered they needed to acquire new goals for U12 boys and girls league play. This was a surprise new expense, but the Board moved quickly to find a local business willing to sponsor the purchase of this new equipment. 

That business, Apple Auto, owned by John Bittorf - known to the locals simply as BJ -- stepped up to become the first Golden Goal Sponsor with a $1,000 donation. 

It's no coincidence that this same season, with new goals and well-lined fields, the U12 girls team won their division. First place! 

Thanks to BJ and Apple Auto, on Harford Road, for believing in SFAAA and supporting recreational opportunities for youth in Northeast Baltimore. Apple Auto is one of many local sponsors who have continually supported SFAAA over the years.

If you're a local business interested in stepping up as a sponsor of youth soccer, please contact us today!

Families: Download the SportsEngine app for team communications

In 2022, SFAAA transitioned from SportsSignUp Play to SportsEngine HQ. Every team has its own web page on our new site, which coaches and parents can use to stay connected and informed using team chat and email. We strongly encourage everyone to download the Apple or Android version of the app because it's the best way to message each other on practice and game days. 

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Thanks for a great 2024 season!

Thank you for a great Fall 2024 season with SFAAA Soccer! It was one of your strongest seasons yet, serving 264 youth players across our clinic and CYO league play, supported by dozens of volunteer coaches, board members and others in the community. 

SFAAA is made possible by volunteers, and that’s why we dedicated our fall season to Coach Al Udris, who helped launch SFAAA over 50 years ago and retired from volunteer service this past summer. Thank you for your service, Coach Al!

Pie chart that shows more than 75 percent of SFAAA youth players attend public, private, or parochial schools other than St. Francis of Assisi School on Harford Road.

Did you know? SFAAA has supported youth recreational activities in Baltimore for decades. More than 75 percent of SFAAA youth players attend public, private, or parochial schools other than St. Francis of Assisi School. Source: 2023 Data

SFAAA Fall 2024 Soccer Stats

Total Youth Athletes 264
Total CYO Teams 8
Total Youth Clinic Teams 10
Total Coaches + Team Volunteers 52
Baltimore-area Schools Represented (Parochial, Private, Public, Daycare/Pre-K)) 60

Seeking Volunteers

SFAAA has served children in the community for over 60 years thanks to the many, many parents and caregivers who volunteer to coach a youth soccer team or assist the association in other ways, big and small.

Parents and others who volunteer are supported and guided by SFAAA board members and other long-time volunteers. They also tend to have a lot of fun together!

Come join us! Send us an email at to learn more!

Photo of Herring Run park fields with spring blooming trees.

Herring Run Park in spring!

Help keep youth athletics affordable

SFAAA works hard to keep organized youth soccer affordable for families in Northeast Baltimore. Please consider making a tax-deductible financial gift to SFAAA in support of our youth players!

Sponsor SFAAA Kids This Season

If you run a business in Northeast Baltimore and would like to support SFAAA soccer for ALL children in our community, please consider committing to a sponsorship. Sponsorships help defray such costs as city field permitting, referee fees, uniform sales, equipment, and more.

Your demonstrated support of SFAAA will reach hundreds of some of the most engaged adults and children in the Northeast Baltimore community every single week.

Email us at to learn more. Thanks for believing in Northeast Baltimore!

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St. Francis of Assisi Athletic Association